Lift Assist has a wealth of experience in the construction and crane industry and the safe management of lifting operations are at the top of the list of priorities. A Method Statement will follow a full and through site survey and consultation with you, the client. A document, the Method Statement and Risk Assessment (RAMS) will be drawn up, detailing the specifics of how this individual lifting operation will be carried out. This includes identifying the correct crane with full specifications and any necessary accessories to be used, positioning of crane/s, ground protection and much more. This will come with a full Risk Assessment identifying risks and how they will best be mitigated.
Both the Method Statement and Risk Assessment will be made available for approval and amendment subject to your review and we will be happy to discuss the same prior to the operation being carried out. All Method Statements are drawn up by experienced and qualified Appointed Persons.
If you require more information about our method statement preparation services, please feel free to get in touch with us today. Our amazing customer service team are always more than happy to speak to you and help you understand anything you may be confused about.